Clay Pots
Sledd Nursery offers fine Italian terracotta and bulb pots. The nursery also stocks decorative pottery and house plant baskets. At Sledd's we got the pot you're looking for... and the saucer too!
Time to transplant?
Repotting or transplanting stresses a plants growth and development. It is important to determine whether a plant will soon bloom, go dormant or is about to be stress3ed by changing climate. Transplanting dormant plants or plants just beginning to show new growth is optimal for transplant success. A plant transplanted shortly before it blooms will likely not flower as well because the energy for flower buds will be used to recover from shock and develop new roots. Climatic conditions such as too hot will likely be too much for young transplants.
Generally if a plant has outgrow int container (its too heavy and the roots are busting thru the container its time to transplant. Be careful though, orchids and some others are happiest when it looks like the would like to be transplanted. (Bougainvilleas also like to have small pots.)
Time to transplant?
Repotting or transplanting stresses a plants growth and development. It is important to determine whether a plant will soon bloom, go dormant or is about to be stress3ed by changing climate. Transplanting dormant plants or plants just beginning to show new growth is optimal for transplant success. A plant transplanted shortly before it blooms will likely not flower as well because the energy for flower buds will be used to recover from shock and develop new roots. Climatic conditions such as too hot will likely be too much for young transplants.
Generally if a plant has outgrow int container (its too heavy and the roots are busting thru the container its time to transplant. Be careful though, orchids and some others are happiest when it looks like the would like to be transplanted. (Bougainvilleas also like to have small pots.)