Dutch Iris
Dutch Iris are popular with floristrs and home gardeners, because they are dependably pretty and easy to use. Long, Strong, straight stems support colorful chartersitic iris blooms. Yellow, white, blue and violet patches of dutch iris perennially bloom throughout spring in Austin.
Planting -
Outdoor beds: Find a sunny to party shade location where the soil drains well. Dig holes and plant the iris bulbs 4" deep and 4" paaprd. Plant with the point facing up. After planting water well, thoroughly soaking the area. In wamer climates foliage will form in the autmn, winter will bring taller gropwth and flowers will develop in the spring. After blooming has finished for the season leave the foliage in plance" don't cut it off. The leaves will gather sunlight and provied nourishment for ntext years show. The leaves will yellow and die back as the plant slips into dormancey. Foliage may be removed at this point.
Dutch Iris are popular with floristrs and home gardeners, because they are dependably pretty and easy to use. Long, Strong, straight stems support colorful chartersitic iris blooms. Yellow, white, blue and violet patches of dutch iris perennially bloom throughout spring in Austin.
Planting -
Outdoor beds: Find a sunny to party shade location where the soil drains well. Dig holes and plant the iris bulbs 4" deep and 4" paaprd. Plant with the point facing up. After planting water well, thoroughly soaking the area. In wamer climates foliage will form in the autmn, winter will bring taller gropwth and flowers will develop in the spring. After blooming has finished for the season leave the foliage in plance" don't cut it off. The leaves will gather sunlight and provied nourishment for ntext years show. The leaves will yellow and die back as the plant slips into dormancey. Foliage may be removed at this point.
Caladiums - are a very popular bulb for planing in shady yards in the summer. They should be purchased in early febuary or march and then planted after mothers day or when the soil has reached 70 degrees. Caladiums come in many different colors ranging from greens to whites and reds to pinks. They are fast growers and are wonderful in pots or in large clumps under trees. They have been a favorite in West Austin for years and our selection is always the best in town.
Caladiums should be planted in well drained soil about 2 inches under the ground. It does not matter which side of the bulb is facing up. The bulbs can be mulched in order to protect them from the summer heat.
Caladiums should be planted in well drained soil about 2 inches under the ground. It does not matter which side of the bulb is facing up. The bulbs can be mulched in order to protect them from the summer heat.
Spider lily - Lycoris Vadiata, naked lily, suprise lily Color: Red Flowers with ribbon like petals clustered a top a tall stme.
Plant Size 20"- 24"
Exposure: Full sun to light shade.
Planting: Prepare a well drained bed. Dig holes and plant with pointed tips up about 2 - 3 " below ground. These lovely lillies will come up year after year with little or no care especailly after large rain storms.
Plant Size 20"- 24"
Exposure: Full sun to light shade.
Planting: Prepare a well drained bed. Dig holes and plant with pointed tips up about 2 - 3 " below ground. These lovely lillies will come up year after year with little or no care especailly after large rain storms.
Anemones - A colorful perennial that can be planted wiht daffodils or other spring flowers for a colorful stew. Height 8-10"
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Bloom time: Early to mid spring
Plant aneomne bulbs in the fall or early winter. Anemone bulbs often benefit from a pre-planting soak to them ready to grow. Before planting, soak your anemone bulbs for 2-4 hours in a cup or small bowl of water. This encourages faster sprouting and grownth.
Narcissus - Paperwhites are fast, easay, fragrant and beautiful. Narcissus was a mortal in Greek mythology whose life was interferred with by the gods. When he died all that was left in his place was a white flower. Narcissis are winter flowering bulbs wich add bright color and interest to landscapes. They require little care and flower year and year. Narcissis are well suited to many landscape designs inculiding in front of shrubbery, under large trees, and in rock or perennail gardens.
The Narcissus should be planted 6-8 weeks before when you want in to bloom. Narcissus can be "forced" in doors. Paperwhites need only 1"-3" of root room and they will do well in shallow containers filled with rocks. Give the bulbs enough water to get the roots wet, but do not submerge the bulb in water. If you would like the plants to be shorter than they are naturally put them in a dark closet for the first week or two after they are planted and then move them to a sunny location.
Exposure: Full sun to part shade
Bloom time: Early to mid spring
Plant aneomne bulbs in the fall or early winter. Anemone bulbs often benefit from a pre-planting soak to them ready to grow. Before planting, soak your anemone bulbs for 2-4 hours in a cup or small bowl of water. This encourages faster sprouting and grownth.
Narcissus - Paperwhites are fast, easay, fragrant and beautiful. Narcissus was a mortal in Greek mythology whose life was interferred with by the gods. When he died all that was left in his place was a white flower. Narcissis are winter flowering bulbs wich add bright color and interest to landscapes. They require little care and flower year and year. Narcissis are well suited to many landscape designs inculiding in front of shrubbery, under large trees, and in rock or perennail gardens.
The Narcissus should be planted 6-8 weeks before when you want in to bloom. Narcissus can be "forced" in doors. Paperwhites need only 1"-3" of root room and they will do well in shallow containers filled with rocks. Give the bulbs enough water to get the roots wet, but do not submerge the bulb in water. If you would like the plants to be shorter than they are naturally put them in a dark closet for the first week or two after they are planted and then move them to a sunny location.
Amaryllis: Hippeastrum
Most species grow outdoors in warm regions. In colder climates, amaryllises are usually grown indoors as potted plants in winter and translated outdoors in summer. The plants in the amaryllis family have long stems and many long narrow leaves. The flowers are made up of 6 petals and they many brow in clusters or as a single blossom.
The word amaryllis comes from the Greek word for sparkling. Big cheerful, trumpet shaped blooms come in red, pink, yellow, withe and a few combination of these colors. A single flower blooms 6-8 weeks after planting. Plants can grow up to 2 feet tall.
Amaryllis can be grown outdoors in frost free areas.
Growing: Trim the roots of the bulb before planting. Plant bulbs with upper 1/3 above groudn in good, rich potting soil. The plant and bloom grows big. Put just one bulb into a six inch or larger pot. Use containers slighlt bigger than the circumference of the bulb. They do not need a lto of soil and growing space indoors. The pot should be heavy as the plant can grow up to 2 feet. It should have holes in the bottom for good drainage.
Weather indoors or out, provide as much sunlight as possible. Do not cut the plant back until the leaves have yellowed and died.
Bearded Iris - Iris Germanica is a hardy long lived perennial. The flowres fave six petals; three upriignt petals (called standards) and 3 hanging petals clled falls. A fuzzy live or beard runs down the middle of each fall. Flowers come in many colors including white, yellow, blue, pink, purple, reddish and bicolors. Most bearded iris flower in the spring. Some of the new cultivars fre-floewr in the summer and fall. Iris have thikc fleshy underground stems called rhizomes that store food produced by the swad shapped, semi evergreen leaves. The rhizomes grow best when planted at or slighly ebelow the soil srface with fedder roots penetrating the soil below. Each year underground offsets develop from the orginal rhizome. Buds broduce a large fan of leaves and several flower stalks. Success with iris depens on keeping the rhizomes firm and healthy. In general this is done by providing the rhizomes good drainage whiel the feeder roots below remain moist but not wet. Fertilizing - apply 1/2 cup of 5-10-10 fertilzer per iris clump after flowering. Fertilizers can burn the rhizomes; it should be applied aroudn but not directly on them. Reblooming iris should be fertilzed in the spring as new growth shows (1-2") cultivaion and should not be mulched. In early fall, cut leaves 6-8 inces from the ground.
Dividing After 3-5 years, iris generally becom crowded and many gardeners like to divide there flowers at this time. Iris can be divided any time, but the best time is to wait until 4-6 weeks after they finish flowering. Cut the elaves to 1/3 of thier lengh. Dig the clup and wash soil off with the hose. Cut rhizomes apart so that each section has at least one healty clump of leaves and firm withe roots.
Dividing After 3-5 years, iris generally becom crowded and many gardeners like to divide there flowers at this time. Iris can be divided any time, but the best time is to wait until 4-6 weeks after they finish flowering. Cut the elaves to 1/3 of thier lengh. Dig the clup and wash soil off with the hose. Cut rhizomes apart so that each section has at least one healty clump of leaves and firm withe roots.
Tulips - originated in sother europe and asia. They grow in many parts of the world. Tulips bloom in spring. Tulips will bloom in austin from late March thru April.
Tulips should be purchased early to mid fall. They should then be refrigerated for 6 weeks and then planted in the ground. Tulips can be planted 6 inches apart and about 6 to 8 inches deep. Tulips do well both in the ground and in pots. Tulips do not naturlise in our area.
Tulips should be purchased early to mid fall. They should then be refrigerated for 6 weeks and then planted in the ground. Tulips can be planted 6 inches apart and about 6 to 8 inches deep. Tulips do well both in the ground and in pots. Tulips do not naturlise in our area.